Mar 3, 2011

From the Vault

 This is entitled My Wakeup Call is Overdue and was written by my 17 year-old counterpart for a stupid cause and effect assignment in english

     Beep...Beep...BEEP! That is the not so coveted, dreadful sound of morning hitting my ears. Sure, why not another day full of opportunities, but can't it start at ten? My next decision is one of utmost importance, although quite simple in procedure. I can pop out of bed with a spring in my step and prance off to school -just in time to see the sunrise- OR  I can release all my furry and frustration of being so rudely interrupted by slamming my hand down onto my snooze button. The latter is my preferred method and most often practiced. This single event, in which the cosmos lines up and fate seems to inevitably go against my favor, effects my whole day and my very existence as life falls deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole.
     Snooze buttons are magical. When pushed they give the non-morning persons spectacular, ever-so-enjoyable, extra minutes of sleep. But magic is not without consequences. I seem to barter and sacrifice everything for those few minutes. The effects are monumental.
     First comes the good morning shock as I roll over, look at the time and realize I overslept. AGAIN! Then fear sets in. Frantically I run around scrambling to get ready for my day. To compensate for my lack of promptness, breakfast is skipped, on occasion lunch isn't made, my physical appearance does not reach my satisfaction, and homework goes unfinished.
     I'm late! I'm late, for a very important date! I get into the car and speed off to school, literally. Driving while in a bad mood, tired, and late is not a good combination, as it jeopardizes my safety as well as others. Arriving at school I realize that all the snooze-button-resistant-students have taken the good parking spaces. Thus I am forced to the outskirts of the parking lot. This vast distance of asphalt wasteland requires additional tedious time to trek to class, furthermore extending my unpunctual arrival.  Disrupting class is not a relishable experience. It's easy to get behind in class work and feel left in the dark by missing important announcements. Might I add that getting on the wrong side of an educator is not a wise choice if you wish to pursue a successful academic career.
     Being tardy ultimately affects my citizenship grade. My snooze button has put me into a very unpleasant circumstance due to my inability to resist its alluring features. As a member of National Honor Society I am required to retain high CPA in order to graduate from the society. If I get one more zero in citizenship all my hard hours and effort will have been in vain.
     As much as I adore my snooze button, I have realized it does not love me in return. Otherwise it would not have transformed my morning routine into chaos, disorder and panic, made me go hungry, put added stress on my shoulders, blackened my mood, placed me into a continual hurried, anxious state, jeopardized my academic success, and so on. However weary, exhausted, drained, tired, or sleepy I am in the morning it is pressingly necessary that have a strong resolve to conquer this foe and wake Alice up from this crazy, awful wonderland.